Montrose Point, August 12, 2017

We had a warm, sunny day at Montrose Point. Beautiful conditions.  We arrived at a non-peak time, we usually do. Very many starlings, House Sparrows, and female R-W Blackbirds were out. We did see one male, possibly young, R-W Blackbird as well. On the way in we saw four Double-crested Cormorants on a street lamp by the harbor.

Baltimore Oriole
The first of the two Baltimore Orioles we saw upon arriving.
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole doing some preening.
Goldfinch Waldo challenge
Goldfinch Waldo challenge (photo: my wife)
Female American Goldfinch
Female American Goldfinch (photo: my wife)
Female American Goldfinch
Female American Goldfinch (photo: my wife)
Flowers in the middle field. Looks like mostly black-eyed susans in this view. In amongst these were the goldfinches. (Photo: my wife.)

Viele Lake, Boulder, CO July 15, 2017

A park near where we stayed in Boulder, CO.
Conditions: mid-80s, very low humidity

Lesser Goldfinch
Lesser Goldfinch. Many around but very hard to get a picture of one.
Tree Swallow
Tree Swallows and Barn Swallows seem to live together in harmony under a bridge on this small lake.
Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow

Montrose Point, April 1-2, 2017

Almost warm day on April 1st; cool to cold and overcast on April 2nd.

The highlight was on April 1st, when we saw the European Goldfinch. It is not native to North America and there is speculation that several years ago a bunch were released in south-east Wisconsin. I have the two photos of the Goldfinch on ebird for April 1, as well as a recording of its song.

The ebird lists have everything we could identify.
April 1:
April 2:

April 1
There were many flickers around, tons of R-W blackbirds – one which attacked a woman (she was unharmed), reports and possible sighting of a Western Meadowlark, many Eastern Phoebes and White-breasted Nuthatches, as well as several Golden-crowned Kinglets and a Ruby-crowned as well. At the shoreline next to the dog beach on April 1, we saw three Killdeer. Also fun, a chickadee landed on my wife’s hat and tried to sample some decorative beads.

European Goldfinch
European Goldfinch. This bird was singing non-stop for several minutes. It was deep in the shrubs where the path splits after you come around to the right past the hedge.
European Goldfinch
European Goldfinch. No really good photos today of this bird. The ebird listing for Apr 1 has an audio recording we made of its song.
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)

April 2
Much like the day before. We also saw our first and second female Red-winged Blackbird. Really happy to get some good photos of the Brown Creeper.

Brown Creeper
Brown Creeper
Brown Creeper
Brown Creeper
White-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch in an unusual pose for that – head up, no blue back visible. Quite a few around.
Hermit Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Hermit Thrush. (Photo: my wife.)
Female Red-winged Blackbird
Female Red-winged Blackbird – first of the season for us at Montrose Point. (Photo: my wife.)
Eastern Phoebe
Eastern Phoebe. Had more photo opportunities but nothing turned out except this guy who was looking away.
Eastern Towhee
Eastern Towhee
Hat that attracts chickadees
This is my wife in the hat the chickadee landed on. It tried sampling the beads. Bought it in Colorado.
Since I have a photo of my wife, I thought it only fair I added one of myself. This is how I usually look.

On the way to Montrose Point, May 12

On the way there a Baltimore Oriole flew into a tree, high up, before I got to the harbor. Across from the tree were small fields where many small birds were busy looking for food. A very good day. The pictures, though… mostly birds with their heads behind something or too fuzzy. The better ones are below.

Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Eastern Wood-Peewee
Eastern Wood-Peewee
Eastern Wood-Peewee
Eastern Wood-Peewee
Eastern Wood-Peewee
Eastern Wood-Peewee
Eastern Wood-Peewee
American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
Savannah Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Spotted Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper

Conditions: 54°, light winds, mostly cloudy, 5:15-6:00pm.

Baltimore Oriole (2)
Eastern Wood-Peewee
Indigo Bunting
White-crowned Sparrows
Savannah Sparrow
American Goldfinch
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Caspian Tern (2)
R-b Gulls
Barn Swallows
Purple Martins
Canadian Geese
Spotted Sandpiper
House Sparrows, Grackles, R-w Blackbirds, Robins