Montrose Point, 2016 March 27

1:35 – 3:05pm
Conditions: Overcast, rain approaching. 57° F.

We saw 22 different species today in 1.5 hours at the hedge. Here is the list:

Highlights: Winter Wrens (a first for us), Fox Sparrows (also a first), Mourning Dove, and an American Kestrel. I wish I had a good picture to share of the Kestrel but it was not to be. Participate in my frustration!

Winter Wren
Winter Wren. Only decent photo I got.
Song Sparrow
Perfect portrait of a Song Sparrow. (Photo: my wife.)
American Robin
This young Robin was photogenic (Photo: my wife.)
Eastern Towhee
Eastern Towhee back in the hedge. First we saw this year. (Photo: my wife.)
Eastern Towhee
Eastern Towhee (Photo: my wife.)
Black-capped Chickadee
Black-capped Chickadee (Photo: my wife.)
Fuzzy Fox Sparrow
First Fox Sparrow this year. (Photo: my wife.)
Fox Sparrow
Fox Sparrow (Photo: my wife.)
Fox Sparrow
Fox Sparrow (Photo: my wife.)
American Kestrel
Photo sans head of the American Kestrel. The quality of the photo was the best of the lot, but no head!
American Kestrel
The great, blurry American Kestrel.
American Kestrel
American Kestrel
American Kestrel
American Kestrel